Monday, April 9, 2012

iPhone&iPad > kidney ?

Recently there has been news about Chinese high school student he sold his kidney on a black market to pay off his gambling debts, but not only that. Even more disturbing is the story how this operation has been revealed. When he got back home, his mother asked him how had he got new iPhone and iPad. So he told her.

Let's forget about the whole case with black market. What I'm interested in right now is the situation when gadgets are getting more important than own live organs. I mean, he risks his whole life when the other kidney fails. Another thing is he was given approximately 3,500$ while the cost of operation for recipient gave ten times more money.

What are your thoughts?

source: Associated Press


  1. So what, average Android user has one more kidney then iPhone owner, not a big deal :P

  2. That kid is having health problems now too. I don't think that's worth an iPad.

  3. He has problems, I wouldn't do this at all.

  4. This is sick. If I were his mother, I would tell him to rollback everything ;)

  5. Sounds like a decent plan... why else would we have two kidneys?

    Seriously though, it's really just sad that he would be willing to go to those lengths for material possessions that will be outdated in a couple (maybe less) years.

  6. really stupid "shortcut". if you cant make money some normal way to buy it, dont buy it

  7. not worth an ipad
    maybe a pair of google glasses though..

  8. Damn.. Selling his kidney for iPhone and iPad? Damn..

  9. I've heard this before unless someone else did it recently :P crazy story though
