Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter and football

Today, I'm going to take a sidestep from (is this correct expression?) IT business and tell you short story.

As it's Easter I was at my family get-together. Sadly, we don't keep in touch with our close family (such as uncle, aunt and two cousins) very often, other than someone's birthday. We meet, oh let's say, less than 1 time/month. In my country there's going to be major football (soccer ;) ) tournament this year and discussion, as it often happens lately, drifted to the topic of safety. Bad luck is that my brother works sometimes as security guard at the stadium, where plays my cousin's favourite team. Both of them had totally different attitude toward the behaviour of football fans as they are on the opposite side of fence. In my opinion both of them exaggerated a lot and the truth lied, as it often does, in the middle.
Everything would be ok, if my brother wasn't hit recently, after one of the matches, with a bottle and if not for his today's harsh words directed to my (and his) cousin: "Maybe it was you, who throw that".
Even know, while I am writing this, can't believe this has happened. For me, it was very sad, because there always has been peace among us.

Sorry for today's personal drift. What's your opinions about safety during mass sport events? I ask especially fellow bloggers from Europe, as football (soccer) seems to be high risk in this matter. Others' comments are, of course, also appreciated.

Happy peaceful Easter to everyone!


  1. Happy Easter man! have fun with that sport that has the ball thing...

  2. where ever you go there are aggressive/figher fans
    just comes with football they need to get over it :P

    1. If only they didn't get drunk before matches...

  3. It can be pretty harsh, especially in "football based" countries like England or Poland. However I think this is a part and history of it, and football just wouldnt be the same without all the fanatism

  4. "football just wouldnt be the same without all the fanatism"
    Wouldn't be the same, right, but not necessarily worse.

  5. Enjoy yourself today, and Happy Easter

  6. sorry about your brother's misfortune. Hope they can make up. In america we don't have sports related injuries like that very often, just drunk guys arguing with each other mostly.

    1. I'm sure yhey will, if they avoid this topic in the future.

  7. hm i am from germany and i guess we have the same problems with hooligans as elsewhere but nearly as big as in uk and as far as i observed, some clubs have more some less hooligans. But i not gonna lie, i don't realy care much, i watch football mostly in television and don't see it at all.

  8. I think it's the smartest way to go. It saves from participating in quarrels which can even occur between family members, as I've recently found out.

  9. Safety? what is this?
